Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bear Shows How to Relax

Stressed?  Anxious?  Worried?  Need some help?  This bear shows that a bath can be a great way to chill out!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Glamorous Owl

This owl poses for a glamour shot while checking out her surroundings for food and potential enemies.  Luckily, her head goes about 270 degrees around.

Bear Selfie

This bear decided she wanted to be the director of her own film.  That's one of our trail cameras that is tied to a cut log that she's carrying around.  You should see the videos from that camera!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Bambi and Thumper

Bambi and Thumper captured in a peaceful and inspiring moment.  I presume you know which is which!  

Monday, April 27, 2020

Lucky Camera Save and an Unusual Duck

This video is from when the water in the pond was rapidly rising in Feb. Luckily, I retrieved this camera right before the pond drowned it - as the water rose many more feet just after this. 

The duck was very unusual (to me), so I looked it up and the official name of it is "Cool-Ass Duck". Which is appropriate.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Bobcat Boomerang

Nice video of a bobcat running back and forth... and back again.

BTW, I will now be mainly posting stuff from our yard here on this blog.  Twitter and YouTube are not my favorite outlets.  This is a more cohesive and friendlier way to post.  Hope you visit here again soon!