Saturday, September 5, 2020

Skull of Destiny

 Near our hoops court is an aging elk skull that is equal parts haunting and beautiful (especially with all the moss and leaves on it). Many animals visit the skull - these are just some of them in the last two months (shown chronologically). You'll see bears, raccoons, deer, bobcats, elk and coyotes. Several of the elk chew on the bones and many of the animals react to the skull.  You'll even see a three-legged coyote - who made me sad when I first saw her, but now inspires me because she does so well and gets around as easy as the rest of her pack. Notice that most of the clips are from the night time. Maybe that's because that's when they feel the elk spirit the strongest! 

No Roughhousing in the Pond!


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Heron in Flight

Heron from last month at the pond - shaking out its feathers and taking flight.  Lucky camera timing to get such a good view of her in action.